江南·(中国)体育官方网站-JN SPORTS

江南·(中国)体育官方网站-JN SPORTS


2023-10-16 00:51:31


本文摘要:1.用餐的礼仪Don't talk with your mouth full.I toast(敬酒) you all and hope you'll have pleasant stay in Taiwan.Help yourself.Use the hot towel to wipe your hands.Would you care for more bread?Can you pass the salt and pepper(胡椒),please?2.想吃工具I am very hungry. Can we eat something?Don't you feel hungry, Mr. Liu?I would like to have something good to eat.What do you say to dine with me at a restaurant?Won't you dine with me?3.选择餐厅What kind of restaurant do you like?Could you tell me the name of some good restaurant?Where can I enjoy the best local food?I would like to go to an inexpensive restaurant.4.各式佳肴Which do you like better, Chinese food or Western food?I like seafood.I would like to go to a real French restaurant.Have you never tried Japanese food?5.向人推荐Shall we go to the restaurant in Hsimenting where I often drop in?I would like to recommend Sea Food on Tong Hwa street.There is a restaurant that is open twenty-four hours, and I'm sure youwould like it.6.订位A: I would like to reserve a table for four at seven this evening.B: May I have your name?Have many are there?I would like a table for two ,please.Is there a vacant table?Are these places taken?Are these seats reserved?I'm sorry, but these seats are reserved.7.桌位的按排Where shall I sit?Put me as close as possible to the stage, please.I want a table by the window.I think this is the best table.8.点菜May I have a menu, please?Please show me the menu.I would like the breakfast on your menu, please.Please take my order. 请接受点菜What will you have to eat?Have you ordered already?What would you like for your main dish?I will order again later.May I ask what you ordered again?Please give me this one.May I have the same as that one?We want four number eight, please.I'll leave it to you. 我让你来点9.菜式What kind of dish is this? 这是什么菜What is the specialty of the house? 这家店的特制餐是什么These restaurant seems to feature vegetarian dishes.Do you have any special meals(特餐) today?We will serve special meals at ordinary price.10.很花时间吗?Will it take long?Would you mind hurrying?I shall not keep you long.11.上错菜This is not what I ordered.I don't order any mineral water(矿泉水).What I ordered is beef steak(牛排),not ham and eggs(火腿蛋).12.请求Could I have a corkscrew(开塞钻)?Could we have another table setting(餐具)?Could I have another napkin(餐巾)?Do you have anymore silverware(银器)?Do you have place mats(放餐具的垫布)?Is there more gravy(肉汤)?Do you have any chopsticks?Who want a second helping? 谁要再来一些呢Could you pass the butter?Would you like join me for a romantic candle-light dinner?13.饮料Will you have some drinks?What would you like to drink?What drink do you prefer?Waiter!
1.用餐的礼仪Don't talk with your mouth full.I toast(敬酒) you all and hope you'll have pleasant stay in Taiwan.Help yourself.Use the hot towel to wipe your hands.Would you care for more bread?Can you pass the salt and pepper(胡椒),please?2.想吃工具I am very hungry. Can we eat something?Don't you feel hungry, Mr. Liu?I would like to have something good to eat.What do you say to dine with me at a restaurant?Won't you dine with me?3.选择餐厅What kind of restaurant do you like?Could you tell me the name of some good restaurant?Where can I enjoy the best local food?I would like to go to an inexpensive restaurant.4.各式佳肴Which do you like better, Chinese food or Western food?I like seafood.I would like to go to a real French restaurant.Have you never tried Japanese food?5.向人推荐Shall we go to the restaurant in Hsimenting where I often drop in?I would like to recommend Sea Food on Tong Hwa street.There is a restaurant that is open twenty-four hours, and I'm sure youwould like it.6.订位A: I would like to reserve a table for four at seven this evening.B: May I have your name?Have many are there?I would like a table for two ,please.Is there a vacant table?Are these places taken?Are these seats reserved?I'm sorry, but these seats are reserved.7.桌位的按排Where shall I sit?Put me as close as possible to the stage, please.I want a table by the window.I think this is the best table.8.点菜May I have a menu, please?Please show me the menu.I would like the breakfast on your menu, please.Please take my order. 请接受点菜What will you have to eat?Have you ordered already?What would you like for your main dish?I will order again later.May I ask what you ordered again?Please give me this one.May I have the same as that one?We want four number eight, please.I'll leave it to you. 我让你来点9.菜式What kind of dish is this? 这是什么菜What is the specialty of the house? 这家店的特制餐是什么These restaurant seems to feature vegetarian dishes.Do you have any special meals(特餐) today?We will serve special meals at ordinary price.10.很花时间吗?Will it take long?Would you mind hurrying?I shall not keep you long.11.上错菜This is not what I ordered.I don't order any mineral water(矿泉水).What I ordered is beef steak(牛排),not ham and eggs(火腿蛋).12.请求Could I have a corkscrew(开塞钻)?Could we have another table setting(餐具)?Could I have another napkin(餐巾)?Do you have anymore silverware(银器)?Do you have place mats(放餐具的垫布)?Is there more gravy(肉汤)?Do you have any chopsticks?Who want a second helping? 谁要再来一些呢Could you pass the butter?Would you like join me for a romantic candle-light dinner?13.饮料Will you have some drinks?What would you like to drink?What drink do you prefer?Waiter! Could I have some water,please?May I have a glass of icewater?Miss! Would you bring me another cup of coffee,please?Would you like your coffee with your dinner or later?Would you like coffee or tea?Give me a cup of tea with a slice of lemon(柠檬),please.I would like hot chocolate.Would you like sugar and milk?14.酒类Please give a bottle of beer.May I have some beer to begin with?May I have another beer.Please give me a glass of whiskey and water.I prefer whiskey to beer.May I see the wine list?I would like to have a bottle of champagne(香槟酒),please.Let me serve.15.开胃菜.调味.蛋I would like a cucumber(黄瓜) salad for an appetizer(开胃菜).I would like onion gratin soup, please. 我要烤洋葱汤I would like to have broiled fresh codfish(鳕鱼),potato salad and abottle of white wine.I would like French dressing(调味品).Give me some more butter,please.How do you like your eggs? I would like a soft-boiled(煮得半熟的) egg,please.16.牛排I will have a beef steak,please.Would you like your steak rare(三分熟的),medium or well-done?I would like the steak a bit rare.Would you like anything on your beef steak?17.点心I would like to order some dessert(餐后的甜点心),please.What kind of dessert do you have?I will have a fruit cocktail.Let me have fruit,tarts(裹馅饼) and ice cream,please.18.再吃一点Would you like something to eat?Please help yourself to more meat if you want.Would you like some more cake?What do you say to oyster(牡蛎) stew(炖菜) and fried lobster?I've had enough. 吃饱了19.菜很好,谢谢It was very good. Thank you.Thank you for the delicious(鲜味的) dinner.That was the most wonderful dinner I've ever had.I enjoyed the special meal very much.The service here is very good.20.要求外带Can I order take out here?Certainly. What do you want, sir?21.付帐Please be my guest tonight. 今晚我作东Please check my bill. 帐单由我付It is my treat today. 今天我请客Let me pay my share.How much do my owe you?Let's go Dutch. 各付各的Do you accept this credit card?Could you bring my bill, please?May I have the check ?May I have the bill ?22.帐算错了I think this is added up wrong.Isn't this bill wrong?Isn't this a mistake?23.零钱不用找了A:Here is one thousand NT dollars. Keep the change.B:Please come again,sir.24.意见与讨论I can't eat another bite.He always eats on the run.Background music enhances the dining experience.Soup and salad is a popular lunch for people on a diet(减肥的人).Bacon(熏肉) and eggs is a popular American breakfast.The busboy will clear the table.Put the dirty plates on the tray.This is my best chinaware.25.其他Is there any maple syrup(枫糖) for the pancakes?Let me carve(切) the turkey(火鸡).This is delicious shishkebab(烤肉的一种).Will you help me set the table? 摆餐具Let's have a barbecue(烤肉野餐).He was wined and dined.他受到热烈的款待Is there a ladle(杓子) for the soup?

